Anadi News:
Press releases

Page 3 | 21 - 30 from 45 entries

Milestone for Anadi Bank: More than 100 partner branches with MARIE

Shortly after the start of the nationwide rollout, Anadi Bank's "MARIE" cooperation has already passed the 100 partner tobacconists mark. In line with the MARIE motto "The bank comes to the tobacconist", more and more customers throughout Austria can look forward to banking services in a tobacconist near them. The business model also impressed in the "Börsianer" industry ranking and earned Anadi Bank the "Most Innovative Bank in Austria" award. CEO Christian Kubitschek: "MARIE is a visible expression of our FinTech DNA."

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Anadi Bank is the test winner for online loans

A recent consumer study by ÖGVS shows Anadi Bank as the test winner in the "online instalment loans" category. The bank with Carinthian roots received top marks in the categories "Conditions" and "Customer service". CEO Kubitschek: "When it comes to customer satisfaction, it is clear that our successful combination of a full-service bank with FinTech DNA makes the difference."

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"MARIE": The bank comes to the tobacconist's

Austria's tobacconists and Austrian Anadi Bank are launching a cooperation. Under the new "MARIE" brand, modern banking services are thus conquering a high-frequency sales channel and are being offered where they are in demand by many consumers. Josef Prirschl, Chairman of the Federal Association of Tobacconists: "Whether in rural areas or in urban neighbourhoods - the cooperation offers customers easy access to banking services and strengthens the role of tobacconists as local suppliers."

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