Imprint of the Austrian
Anadi Bank AG

Austrian Anadi
Bank AG

Inglitschstraße 5A
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria

Phone: + 43 (0)50202 - 0
Fax: + 43 (0)50202 - 3000

Bank Code (BLZ): 52000

Company Register Number: FN 245157a/Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Company Register Court: Regional Court Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Supervisory Authority: Financial Market Authority (FMA), Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna
Located in: Political Municipality of Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Member of the Carinthian Economic Chamber: Section for Banks and Insurance

VAT Identification Number (UID): ATU57858928

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 529900DADVVDC7X65L89

Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN): W4GI2B.99999.SL.040

The Company's Purpose is

  1. the operation of all banking transactions pursuant to § 1 para. 1 of the Banking Act (BWG), with the exception of the issuance of covered bank bonds, building society business, the management of investment funds according to the Investment Fund Act, the management of real estate funds according to the Real Estate Investment Fund Act, the establishment or management of participation funds according to the Participation Fund Act, and the acceptance and investment of severance contributions, as well as
  2. the mortgage banking business.
  3. The business purpose also includes
    • the activities of a financial institution in the sense of § 1 para. 2 BWG,
    • activities and auxiliary activities in the sense of § 1 para. 3 BWG,
    • insurance brokerage (insurance agent, insurance broker, and consulting in insurance matters),
    • business consulting and business organization,
    • asset consulting and management, including through trust transactions,
    • real estate management,
    • leasing and renting of own properties and moveables,
    • real estate brokerage and property development activities,
    • the distribution of shares in officially approved games of chance,
    • participation in companies of all kinds,
    • the acquisition or establishment of new companies,
    • the acquisition and sale of properties, buildings, or property-like rights, and
    • in general, all transactions that are suitable for directly or indirectly promoting the business purpose of the company, taking into account the relevant legal provisions.
  4. The company is entitled to establish branches, subsidiaries, and to outsource business segments to these subsidiaries.
  5. The company's activities extend to both domestic and foreign operations.

Executive Board

Sonja Sarközi, Chairwoman of the Executive Board
Dr. Ferdinand R. Wenzl, MBA, Member of the Executive Board
Milko Hascher, Member of the Executive Board

Supervisory Board

Srinivasan Sridhar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Sanjeev Kanoria, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Peter G. Gross, Member of the Supervisory Board
Andreas Senjak, MBA CIIA, Member of the Supervisory Board

Members Appointed by the Works Council

Mag. Gabriele Oberlercher
Barbara Perchtold


Anadi Financial Holdings Pte. Ltd., 201312897M (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)), 7 STRAITS VIEW #12-00 Marina One East Tower SINGAPORE 018936


Please refer to the annual report for shareholdings.

Supervisory Authority

Financial Market Authority

Applicable Professional Regulations

Banking Act:

Basic Content Direction of the Austrian Anadi Bank AG Website

  • Presentation of the company
  • Information about the products and services of Austrian Anadi Bank AG
  • Information on general topics
  • Possibility to conclude online products and use the internet banking system

Publisher, Media Owner, Technical Concept, Content, Layout, Design

Austrian Anadi Bank AG