Press release:
from 04/23/2021

Austrian Anadi Bank launches digital SME loan in Germany

Austrian Anadi Bank is expanding into Germany with its digital SME loan. Together with its sales partner Compeon, the leading platform for SME financing, Anadi Bank is providing more than 2.5 million SMEs in Germany with an industry-leading loan offer.

Vienna, 23rd of April 2021 – Austrian Anadi Bank is launching its market entry in Germany: In a strategic partnership with Compeon, the leading full-service provider for SME financing in Germany, the bank is launching a credit platform for Germany's SMEs. This opens up a new market for the bank of more than 2.5 million SMEs, including over 450,000 micro SMEs, which have a total credit volume of EUR 107 billion. Christian Kubitschek, CEO of Austrian Anadi Bank, explains the USPs of the digital SME loan: "We score points with great usability, a loan decision almost in real time and simultaneous offers for fixed and variable interest rates. We are thus playing on the same competitive strengths in Germany that we can also rely on in Austria. As an established and experienced full-service bank, we combine these strengths with strong risk management and risk culture."

Industry-leading solution for the distribution of SME loans

With Compeon, Austrian Anadi Bank is relying on a financial sales organisation with over 30,000 customers from the SME sector. The primary target group for the digital loan is micro-SMEs with a good credit rating, which receive financing without collateral, i.e. only with a guarantee from the owner. The loan amounts will be between EUR 10,000 and EUR 150,000, with terms of between one and seven years.

Anadi Bank bases its lending decisions on highly developed risk models with automated risk rules that utilise various external data sources and create a 360 degree customer picture, also taking into account the coronavirus situation. The bank benefits from its experience in the digital consumer credit business. CEO Kubitschek concludes: "Our digital strategy 2.0 is working extremely well. We are already reaping the first rewards of the turnaround. In Austria, we have tripled our digital book in recent months. Thanks to this digital growth and many improvements across all business segments, our interest income is now almost 20% higher than in December 2020. Now the expansion into Germany will give our digital book another strong boost."

About Austrian Anadi Bank AG:

Austrian Anadi Bank AG is an Austrian hybrid bank with the business segments Retail Banking, Digital Banking, Corporate Banking and Public Finance. With its unique value proposition based on a modern hybrid approach, Anadi Bank challenges traditional banking models: On the one hand, it offers personalised customer service via a multi-channel approach with branches and a team of customer care agents. On the other hand, Anadi Bank focuses on easy-to-use digital services and is continuously developing its digital value chain. As the principal bank for numerous SMEs in trade, industry and the property sector, the bank makes targeted use of the advantages of its lean structure and high decision-making speed. As a product specialist, Anadi Bank places a particular focus on smart and customised solutions for companies. In Carinthia and Vienna, around 250 employees work for approximately 57,000 customers.

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