from 12/18/2020
Despite coronavirus and strategic investments, Austrian Anadi Bank expects to break even in 2020. The bank is financing its new digital strategy from its own resources via a Tier 2 bond. CEO Christian Kubitschek makes good on his announcement and personally subscribes to a mid-six-figure amount of the bond.
Vienna, 18th of December 2020 - Austrian Anadi Bank can look back on a strong 2020 financial year: despite coronavirus, two lockdowns and strategic investments in digital and IT, the bank expects to break even in 2020. The new digital business strategy is currently being implemented and is already bearing fruit. CEO Christian Kubitschek: "The new strategy is working better and even faster than we had hoped. Growth with quality is the motto. Because we are growing in high-margin segments and with high capital efficiency."
The strategic growth initiative can be financed with a Tier 2 bond, which the bank is now placing on the market in tranches depending on financing requirements. One of the first investors is CEO Kubitschek, who has personally subscribed to a mid-six-figure amount: "I am completely convinced that our strategic path is the right one. That's why I'm also prepared to invest myself, and at a slightly lower interest rate than the other investors - so that it looks flawless," explains Kubitschek.
Anadi Bank is about to roll out its digital presence in Germany, which will enable it to cover a combined market of up to 90 million people. The digital presence in Germany will focus on products where the bank also plays to its competitive strengths in Austria: SME loans will be rolled out in the first half of 2021, followed by consumer loans in the second half of the year. Regarding the expansion into Germany, CEO Kubitschek speaks tongue-in-cheek of the "Piranha strategy": "We will secure small but attractive market shares in a large market with speed and clout. We are grabbing fillet pieces, so to speak, which the big players hardly notice, but which make a big difference for us," says Kubitschek. Despite coronavirus, the bank also wants to continue to grow in Austria thanks to its speed and flexibility, particularly in the areas of corporate and consumer finance.
Another strategic focus is on strengthening the home market of Carinthia. Anadi Bank is further expanding its "Digital & IT Hub" here and creating highly qualified jobs in the process. "We are expanding our attractive digital platform with new products and developing it into a top online banking offering for the entire German-speaking region," announces Kubitschek. He also emphasises the great importance of Carinthia for the bank: "I have made public finance a top priority - all the more so in these challenging times. As a Management Board member, we also spend far more than half of our time on site in Carinthia. We are and will remain a reliable and strong partner in financing the public sector," emphasises Kubitschek.
Anadi Bank's loan book is growing strongly both offline and online. In the second half of 2020, the bank was able to record a new high in the digital loan book every month because the favourable and completely paperless iLoan has been very well received by customers. Despite the pleasing increase in business volume - particularly in high-margin business areas - the capital ratios increased from below 14% to 14.6% in the second half of the year. Capital efficiency was also further increased by optimising the refinancing strategy.
In times of coronavirus, Anadi Bank set up a hardship committee for customers that also looks at individual cases with a social focus. The committee looks for individual solutions for long-standing customers who have found themselves in financial difficulties through no fault of their own as a result of the exceptional situation. Despite Covid and lockdowns, Anadi Bank was continuously available to its customers both digitally and in the branches. The bank is paying a voluntary Covid bonus to employees in the branches and other selected employees in recognition of their additional workload during the crisis.
Ali Ahmad, CEO of the Singapore-based financial services company Makara Capital, will join the Supervisory Board of Anadi Bank in December 2020. The internationally experienced former banker Ahmad has more than 20 years of experience in global asset management, private equity and the structuring of cross-border transactions. "The new addition to the Supervisory Board illustrates the high level of confidence from financial circles in our new strategy with digital components," concludes CEO Kubitschek.
Austrian Anadi Bank AG is an Austrian hybrid bank with the business segments Retail Banking, Corporate Banking and Public Finance. With its unique value proposition based on a modern hybrid approach, Anadi Bank challenges traditional banking models: On the one hand, it offers personalised customer service via a multi-channel approach with branches and a team of customer care agents. On the other hand, Anadi Bank focuses on easy-to-use digital services and is continuously developing its digital value chain. As the principal bank for numerous SMEs in trade, industry and real estate, the bank makes targeted use of the advantages of its lean structure and high decision-making speed. As a product specialist, Anadi Bank places a particular focus on smart and customised solutions for companies. In Carinthia, Styria and Vienna, around 300 employees work for approximately 57,000 customers.
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