from 09/05/2023
After only nine months on the market, Anadi Connect reached a major milestone: more than 500 financial service providers are now benefiting from the innovative tablet-based banking. After a short pilot phase, the rollout started early and met with enormous interest. Optimisations led to increased user-friendliness and gave a further boost to demand from financial service providers and clients. Anadi Bank is now planning to expand this successful concept. The addition of the 500th financial service provider was recently duly honoured at an awards ceremony in Vienna.
Klagenfurt, 05.09.2023 - The pilot phase of Anadi Connect, the mobile sales partnership in tablet-based banking, started in November 2022. After an initial training, the financial service providers are equipped with a tablet from the bank, which customers can use to set up a current account or to take out a consumer loan quickly and easily. The pilot phase started with 20 financial service providers. Within a short period, extremely positive feedback was received from around 1,000 customer contacts, which made an early start of the nationwide rollout phase possible at the beginning of 2023. In the meantime, the bank has further developed the concept of Anadi Connect and made tipsters, credit brokers, and liability umbrellas partners of the innovative tablet-based banking by means of tailor-made contracts. "Anadi Connect is growing steadily and we are pleased about the continuing high demand from interested financial service providers and customers. We owe this momentum to excellent end-to-end process technology, our employees and our highly motivated sales partners. I would like to say a heartfelt 'thank you' for this," emphasizes Markus Herzl, Head of Tablet-Based Banking at Anadi Bank. The addition of the 500th financial service provider was recently duly honored with an award ceremony. The CEO of Anadi Bank Christian Kubitschek and Markus Herzl presented the Anadi Connect Award as the 500th partner to Daniel Reisinger, Senior Director of EFS-AG, in this very ceremony.
With Anadi Connect, Anadi Bank once again demonstrates its digital DNA, which is reflected in flat hierarchies, high decision-making speed and rapid implementation. It took less than half a year from the Board's decision to develop Anadi Connect in the previous year to the pilot phase. Since the market launch at the beginning of 2023, Anadi Bank has been able to introduce a number of significant optimisations to Anadi Connect, which also implemented feedback from financial service providers and improved handling and attractiveness.
For example, the new debt rescheduling function can trigger credit coverage directly on the tablet. Another new feature in loan services is the increase of the maximum loan amount to €50,000. The bank supported this move by making significant investments in the digital risk management and settlement systems that form the platform backbone of Anadi Connect. Furthermore, the current market situation was taken into account in a timely manner and an attractive fixed-rate loan offer was implemented in addition to the variable-rate loan.
Furthermore, automation was further developed, which made order processing between financial service providers and customers even smoother. For example, documents can be requested automatically. This makes a fully digital loan conclusion and a faster transfer of the loan amount possible.
In 2020, Anadi Bank declared tablet-based banking as a cornerstone of its digital roadmap as part of its Strategy 1.0. With high commitment from management and budgets, optimized the bank has developed its innovative business model over time. Anadi Bank now has almost 150 sales partners in MARIE, the tablet-based sales cooperation with Austrian tobacconists, and already more than 500 partners in Anadi Connect. Since the sales success far exceeded the business plans at the time, the bank decided to expand beyond the country's borders with Anadi Connect as part of its ongoing Strategy 3.0. The launch of the offering in Germany is planned for 2024. "We have impressively proven how flexible and scalable Anadi Connect is. That is why we are planning to expand beyond Austria in the coming years. From a business point of view, the concept is a rare win-win-win for clients, sales partners and us: thanks to digital, streamlined processes, we offer clients highly attractive conditions and high decision-making speed. Our sales partners can easily add strong sales banking products to their product range, with a fair and agile banking partner at their side. And we as a bank can use a nationwide distribution network without significant fixed costs. From a strategic point of view, Anadi Connect is also an excellent hybrid combination of digital processes with sales partners who are on-site - where the customer is. This also makes Anadi Connect an innovative alternative in the banking of the digital age in terms of sales models and channels", explains Christian Kubitschek, CEO of Anadi Bank.
In addition to the business segments of Retail Banking, Corporate Banking and Public Finance, Anadi Bank is focusing on the main growth area of Digital Banking. The bank is therefore consistently and vigorously expanding its digital offering. In the Austrian market, the Bank has already successfully launched digital consumer loans and tablet-based banking, which are offered under the brands "MARIE" (cooperation with tobacco shops) and "Anadi Connect" (cooperation with financial service providers). On the German market, Anadi Bank has already gained extensive experience since its entry in 2021 with the digital SME operating loan. The bank intends to use this experience in the coming years for further expansion in the digital SME lending sector. The strategic partnership with CAPTIQ for German chamber professionals underlines this commitment. The digital DNA of the institution is also visible in the bank's internal digital area, in which more than 40% (excluding the branch network) of Anadi Bank's approximately 250 employees are already active. For approximately 58,000 clients and as the principal bank of numerous companies in trade, industry and real estate, as well as many municipalities and public sector institutions, the bank uses the advantages of long-standing relationships of trust between clients and client advisors, high innovative strength, digital competence and lean structures.
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