Legal Information

Austrian Anadi Bank AG

Inglitschstraße 5A
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria

Telephone+ 43 (0)50202 - 0
Fax: + 43 (0)50202 - 3000

Bankleitzahl (BLZ): 52000

Commercial Register number: FN 245157a/Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Registration Court: Regional Court of Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Supervisory authority: Financial Market Authority (FMA), Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna
Registered in: the political community of Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Member of the Carinthian Federal Economic Chamber, Banks and Insurance section

VAT number: ATU57858928

DVR: 2110537

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 529900DADVVDC7X65L89

Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN): W4GI2B.99999.SL.040

Commercial Register Extract
  • download


The purpose of the company is:

1.) the operation of all bank business pursuant to § 1 (1) of the Austrian Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz or BWG), except for the issuing of funded bank bonds, the business of a building and loan association, the management of capital investment funds as envisaged in the Austrian Investment Funds Act (Investmentfondgesetz), the management of real estate funds as envisaged in the Austrian Real Estate Investment Funds Act (Immobilien-Investmentfondsgesetz), the setting up and management of participation funds as envisaged in the Austrian Participation Fund Act (Beteiligungsfondsgesetz) and the acceptance and investment of severance pay contributions, and

2.) the business of a mortgage bank.

3.) The business purpose also includes:

  • the activities of a financial institution within the meaning of § 1 (2) BWG,
  • the activities and ancillary activities within the meaning of § 1 (3) BWG,
  • the provision of advice in insurance matters and the activities of an insurance broker,
  • business consultancy and business organisation,
  • investment consulting and asset management, including on a fiduciary basis,
  • the management of real estate,
  • the letting and leasing of the Bank’s own properties and movables,
  • the activity of a real estate broker and property developer,
  • the marketing of lottery shares in officially approved lottery games,
  • participation in companies of all kinds,
  • the acquisition of companies and the formation of new companies,
  • the acquisition and sale of properties, buildings and rights equivalent to property, and
  • due consideration being given to the relevant statutory regulations, all transactions that are likely to directly or indirectly promote the business purpose of the company.

4.) The company is entitled to set up branch offices and premises and subsidiaries, and to transfer branches of business to these.

5.) The activity of the company extends to Austria and abroad.

Management Board:

Dr. Christian Kubitschek, Chairman of the Management Board
Dr. Ferdinand R. Wenzl, MBA, Member of the Management Board

Supervisory Board:

Srinivasan Sridhar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Sanjeev Kanoria, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Ali Ijaz Ahmad, Member of the Supervisory Board
Peter G. Gross, Member of the Supervisory Board

Members delegated by the Works Council:

Mag. Gabriele Oberlercher
Barbara Perchtold


Anadi Financial Holdings Pte. Ltd., 201312897M (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)), 7 STRAITS VIEW #12-00 Marina One East Tower SINGAPORE 018936


For participations, please see the annual report.

Supervisory authority:

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (Finanzmarktaufsicht)

Applicable regulations under professional law:

Austrian Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz):

Basic purpose of the content of the Austrian Anadi Bank AG website:

  • Presentation of the company
  • Provision of information concerning the products and services of Austrian Anadi Bank AG
  • Provision of information on general subjects
  • Possibility of online product purchasing and use of Internet banking system

Publisher, media owner, technical concept, content, layout, design:

Austrian Anadi Bank AG, Digital Banking