Executive Board

Christian Kubitschek
Dr. Christian Kubitschek
Chairman of the Executive Board since 08/2020

Area of responsibility:
- Chief Economist
- Business Development, Investor Relations & International Expansion
- Digital Sales TBB
- Public Finance
- Treasury
- Retail Banking Kärnten
- Retail Banking Wien
- Retail KMU Kärnten
- Corporate Banking


Dr. Ferdinand R. Wenzl, MBA
Dr. Ferdinand R. Wenzl, MBA
Member of the Executive Board since 04/2020

Area of responsibility:
- Finance
- Strategic Risk Managment
- Risk Setup & Solution
- Corporate Risk
- Retail & Digital Risk
- Workout Retail & Digital
- Workout Corporate
- Human Resources
- Customer Care Center


Milko Hascher
Milko Hascher
Member of the Executive Board since 04/2024

Area of responsibility:
- Digital Banking Solutions
- IT Infrastructure
- Marketing & Digital Sales Online Retail and SME
- Software & App. Development